Does Motivation Work on Me and My Future Students?
This first topic which is about “Motivating and
Managing Students for Effective Learning”
has told me a lot of things. Before I learn this topic, I just think that
motivation is merely a motivation. I think that motivation is everything that inspires
me to do things in life. I do not really care which extrinsic or intrinsic
motivation is. I only know the name is
motivation. But then, from this topic, I get many things. I know that
motivation is not only about extrinsic or intrinsic motivation only, but also
motivation has theories behind. There are some theories which are I just know
it in MMSEL class. When I get to learn the theories, I just think and talk to
myself that “oh, these theories are existed”.
I really learn many new things in this first topic.
Then, after learning this topic, I know and
understand clearly what motivation is, what types of motivation are, and also
the real example of them. Motivation is
a process whereby goal-directed activities is investigated and
sustained. Then, in order to increase self-motivation, I need some challenge to
help that thing works. As a
teacher candidate, I should promote motivation to learn for my future students.
It is about students' tendencies to find academic activities meaningful and
worthwhile and try to get the intended benefits from them. I think, it must be
the hardest job to motivate students to get the meaningful learning and the
I know that motivation is divided into extrinsic and intrinsic
motivation. Intrinsic is when I do something because myself want to do it.
Then, extrinsic motivation is when I do something because I am inspired by
other things outside of myself that makes me to do the thing. For me, it is
okay whether to have the intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. It will be okay as
long as my future students know what the meaningful learning and the benefits
are. I am pretty sure that by the time, my future students will get their own
Motivation is a process whereby goal-directed activities is investigated and sustained. Then, in order to increase self-motivation, I need some challenge to help that thing works.
I do not really understand on the theories of
motivation part. I really get confused if I am asked to explain what I
understand from this part. The theories are behavioral,
humanistic, cognitive and social cognitive and sociocultural theories. I just
know clearly the humanistic theories because I read and discuss it in group. But
then, for the other theories, I just get mix up of them. I cannot differentiate
clearly between them. Moreover, for the cognitive and social cognitive
theories, I just cannot get the points, and I do not really understand about
behavioral theories since the group presentation on board is not really clear.
But then, overall, this session is interesting. I
realize what motivation that I have and also what I should do as a teacher one
day. Motivation is something inside and one thing to make it out is by giving
challenge (for my future students). I have stated above that this session is
really meaningful for me as a teacher one day. I know what I should do to
increase my students’ motivation to earn since I have learned about it in this
session (definition, types, and theories). I am really satisfied with this
session. I meet my expectation on learning this topic. Before I come to the
class, I think that I will get something beneficial for me and my students. For sure, those are all true. After
all, for the next session, I expect that I can learn new things which are
beneficial for me and my profession one day.
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