The Cocoon Girl (Part 1)

| The Cocoon Girl

| Part 1

"Kirana, this is your result." The teacher called the last students' name in the class. Kirana went back to her seat. She looked her result and her face showed that she got a good score.
Kirana is one of the students who is the cleverest in the classroom. She always gets a good score both in assignment and the exam. Her family is not really available to fulfill Kirana's needs in learning. She could learn at the school because of getting a scholarship. Unfortunately, she could not interact with other students. She felt minder when she gathered with other students.
This morning is a good day to start the day with your smile and spirit. Kirana is riding her bicycle to go to the school. She is very enthusiast going to school. It is because she will get new knowledge from her teachers. She arrives at parking park and goes to her classroom. The bell is ringing that shows the classroom activity will be started.
The first lesson is Mathematics subject. She pays attention to all subjects while teaching and learning process occur. By the time, it is the end of the day's learning. So, all students are ready to go home soon. Kirana always helps her mom sell several of gorengan in the traditional market. So, she goes back to her house and so enthusiast to help her mom.
"Gorengan...gorengan.....gorengan, Pak, Bu. It's only 1500." It is her sound in seling gorengan at the traditional market. When she is selling gorengan, Sharen and friends see what is Kirana doing. They stop the car for a while and one of them says, "Hey, come here, gorengan. I want to buy it!" Kirana runs a bit to be close to the car.
"We have tahu isi, pisang goreng, bakwan, singkong goreng, tempe goreng, and comro. So, which one do you want to buy, Mbak? I have also tahu pedas." said Kirana.
"Kirana sells gorengan? Oh my God! I can't believe it! The cleverest student in my class who is the seller gorengan?! If you need much money, you just wear sexy dress and stand by at the intersection road."
Kirana says, "Astaghfirullah. I never will be like that, Sharen."
"Really....? Hmm I don't believe it and I don't care! Why are we here and are still talking to you?! It's only wasting our time!" Sharen and friends go as fast as the wind blows Kirana's hair.
Kirana is so sad to hear their friend's statements. It makes her heart hurt and little bit want to cry. She can forgive her friends' behavior. Finally, her gorengan have sold and ready to go to her house.
Kirana is one of the students who is the cleverest in the classroom. She always gets a good score both in assignment and the exam. Her family is not really available to fulfill Kirana's needs in learning. She could learn at the school because of getting a scholarship. Unfortunately, she could not interact with other students. She felt minder when she gathered with other students.
"Ibu.....Kirana is coming. All food has sold out." Kirana shouts her mom and finds out where is her mom. Then Kirana can find her mom and give a hug to her mom.
Kirana's mom asks, "Are you fine? I am worried about you. I am always thinking that there is something happen to you. But.....Is there happened right?"
"Look at me, Bu. I'm fine. I still health and there is no injury in my body." Kirana turns around her body to ensure her mom that she is ok.
"Ibu, I'm fine." Kirana give a warm hug for her mom and kiss her.
And then, they are talking about everything that has done today.
The school bell is ringing. All students seem ready for learning today. "Good morning, Ibu" said all students to English teacher. She answers, "Good morning, students."
"Today I want you work in a group that consists of 3 people. I will decide your group." Students are waiting the class group composition. The result is Sharen, Kirana and Firda in one group.
"This group will be used for several meetings. In your group, you must read the reading material first. You don't only read the reading material, but you must also understand it. After that, each member should give your opinion individually. Then, you share your opinion about the reading material. Each group makes the result of individual opinion and group discussion. The result is in the form of hard copy. Do you get it?” said Ibu Nitha.
All students answer together, “Yes, Ibu.”
What will happen during Kirana learn along with Sharen and Frida? What will Kirana be bullied by Sharen? Or will Kirana revenge to all who made by Sharen? So, wait for the rest of the story. Keep stay tune in this blog! J

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