Case Study: Well-Manage Classroom

There was a case when I did SEP (School Experience Program) in the last semester in elementary school. The teachers did not feel comfortable with one of students who always got up from the chair and stand up beside the wall. Although he did not make any noise or disturbed his friends, but the teachers could not focus on teaching in the class. So, the teachers just ignored what that student did and continued teaching. Without any respond or effort to pacify that student, the teachers kept on the teaching.  

1. Back to the goals of classrrom management to create a community of caring and trust, develop learner responsibility, maximize time and opportunity for learning.
2. Apply the principles of planning for classroom management:
    • developmental differences influences classroom management,
    • management and instruction are interdependent,
    • organization is essential for effective classroom management,
    • rules and procedures are the cornerstone of an effective management system,
    • the first days of school set the tone for the year.